So before I get to this amazing morning I just had let's recap how the past week has been.
Advance Work is awesome! We had a team swimming party and then spent the evening allocating students to host families. After we were finished we "celebrated our successes" by going to dinner at Olive Garden. Later that week we worked more trying to get meals donated and I ended up getting a dinner fully donated for our show day. So to celebrate that success I went out on Saturday and got my hair cut. It's shorter than it's been in awhile. The team and I went to a kickoff breakfast for the United Way's Days of Caring. While we were there we took a team photo with the Gieko Gecko.
Ok..time for the morning. I woke up this morning and after making my morning trip to the bathroom I headed back to my room. However as I opened the bathroom door I noticed a little something under the bench outside of the bathroom. At first I thought it was a plastic toy but then the little thing moved and stuck it's creepy forked tongue out at me. Yes my friends, it was a snake, in the house. I ran to my room, hyperventilated a bit and cried. I ended up calling everywhere to try and find my host family. My host dad ended up being outside so he came to my rescue and got rid of the snake. This is a story that would only happen to me. Worst morning ever! But I guess it makes for a good story. I'd better hop in the shower so I can get to the office.
CR says: Glad it's you and not him. He would have had a heart attack!
If I would have been there, I would have destroyed him with my big strong arms and saved your life! So sorry, dear!
most importantly: what kind of snake was it?
Crikey LL!!!!!
First the Sting Ray, then the sea turtles and now a snake....are you channeling Steve Irwin??
Uncle Jeff
GoodNIGHT! How do strange things like this happen to you? And how did the snake get inside?? How weird...
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