Hey everyone! I'm currently in Cabo San Jose, Mexico preparing for the show tomorrow night. The show in La Paz was awesome! We had to have security to keep people from coming backstage. I'm not sure if it was really necessary, but it was still cool to have.
I'm having a bit of culture shock here in Cabo. I'm with my first host family that doesn't speak a word of English and I don't speak much Spanish so communications have been difficult. Also, there are quite a few people coming in and out of the house due to my host mom's open door policy and I'm not realy sure who actually lives in my house. Haha. It's kind of awkward, but a total learning and growth experience. I'm learning how to communicate without words. I took an hour and showed my host mom Rajean's book about Nebraska and I showed her some pictures of home and friends so I feel she knows a bit more about me.
Now that I'm on my own computer I can put up some pictures from La Paz. So I haven't figured out how to put pictures in my blog in a pretty way. Oh well.
Ok, so I had a bit of difficulty earlier this week during our Regional Learning Day. We went to a poorer region of Los Cabos so visit the people who lived there and I was really uncomfortable with the whole endeavor. We showed up in two huge air conditioned buses handing out candy to the kids and taking pictures with them while the people who lived there had nothing. I felt like we were in Kindergarden going to the petting zoo and feeding the animals and taking pictures with them. I tried to see it as a positive thing because the little kids were really enjoying themselves, but I had a woman come up to me and ask me why we were there and why her home was suddenly of interest to the tourists. I felt horrible knowing that we were visiting these people and yet we were doing nothing to improve their situation. None of our show profits go to those people and yet we took time to take pictures of their houses and with their kids. I just felt awful. Then to end the day we took a boat ride and were given free drinks and dinner. I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that the people I'd just left probably wouldn't eat tonight and here I was having a Pina Colada and eating Sushi on a cruise ship. It really showed me how good my life has been and how little I've done to help those who need it. It's been the most difficult day on tour so far.
I will write more later. I'd love to hear what some of you think of this experience. I need to head out because it's about time for dinner with my host family. Love you all! I've got some videos and more pictures to post later.